Sunday, April 3, 2011

I believe this would be a great way to give back to community

I have been doing a lot of traveling as a result of son’s acting and singing. In the past month I have had to travel over an hour to see him act in a play and also see his band, Church & Chambers.
   On Friday I saw daughter’s talent night for her elementary school, which was held in the local high school. The time they spent on their act, to me was a productive learning time for them.
   With both kids into some form of entertainment, it has me thinking as to why we can’t have something where the kids, not just mine, can go and have a venue to display their talent.
   If someone has or knows of a building, near Metuchen, NJ,  that is unoccupied, that is suitable for kids to do plays, concerts, standup comedy, I believe this would be a great way to give back to community, as well as possibly tax incentives. Not to mention keeping kids interested in something that would be a productive growing experience.
   I would enjoy discussing this with people who owns buildings, directed kids in performing arts, investors who want to help our youth with positive growth, and other parents who feel as I do. After all the kids today are our future.